At the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic, most business leaders were focused on a singular goal: transition as many employees to working remotely as possible. And many have accomplished that first goal. An April Gallup poll found the number of employees who had...
In the U.S., confirmed COVID-19 cases are now approaching two million at the time of this post, and the top U.S. infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, grimly predicted at a recent conference “…it isn’t over yet,” according to the New York Times. As if that...
Now that we’ve settled into remote working if we’re able to, is anyone ever really going back into the office? Probably not the way we once did, experts suggest. More than half the U.S. workforce (56%) has a job that is at least partially compatible with remote work,...
Pandemics generally have two endings: a medical ending when the incidence and death rates subside, and the social, when the fear of the disease recedes, according to the New York Times. Unfortunately for business leaders, neither is in sight yet. The COVID-19...