Maan (Mark) Hamdan


Maan (Mark) Hamdan is an innovator, investor, philanthropist, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience providing focused leadership, building effective management teams and creating and developing profitable businesses.


Maan is the founder of TechGenies LLC, a global software development company that provides outsourced teams for software development and operations support to companies around the world.

During his 43-year career, Maan built and exited many successful companies, and invested in, and mentored many others.

As a philanthropist, Maan recently founded Hexa, an Innovation eco-system consisting of 6 global companies; Hexa Ventures, a Venture Studio, TechGenies, a global software development company, Mindtap, a Marketing agency, GoGenies, a sales and support augmentation firm, and TechZillion, a coworking operation in Richardson, Texas and 2 other locations globally.

As an investor, Maan founded TrenData, an AI-based, predictive analytics company, and acquired Insala, an HR Tech company. Globally, Maan founded over 12 companies in all 5 continents, and invested in over 30.

As a corporate executive between 1980 and 1994, Maan held senior positions with PageNet, the largest paging company in the world at the time, and telecommunications conglomerate GTE (currently Verizon).

Maan received his BEEE in computer systems engineering from the American University in Beirut and an M.B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. He also pursued doctoral studies in economics at the University of South Florida.

Maan sits on the board of few companies and is a philanthropist, having established, with the help of his wife Weeda, a global education foundation ( for the benefit of disadvantaged kids. The nonprofit acquired NuMinds Enrichment and works on promoting STEAM education globally.