Hexa Coworking

Hexa Coworking provides physical and virtual environments to companies like TechGenies to foster collaboration, innovation, and growth.

Hexa Global Ventures

Hexa Global Ventures enables member companies like TechGenies to thrive with strategy, talent, and access to capital.

Agency 50

Agency 50 works with TechGenies to deliver a seamless experience in product go-to-market, user experience design, and brand storytelling.


Quality tech is now a key differentiator for businesses in all sectors, which means the IT talent that creates said tech is equally indispensable. The global trend of technology as industry disrupter means even the least technical industries are now scrambling to adapt to current cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI) and data analysis platforms.

The skills shortage is at an “all-time high,” according to this year’s Harvey Nash/ KPMG CIO Survey, in which an astonishing 67% of participants reported struggling to find the right talent. More specifically, the biggest shortages are in big data analytics, cybersecurity, and AI, according to the survey – right where most businesses are hoping to grow.

And even if business can find top IT talent, retaining these sought-after individuals can be challenging as competitors – or even industry leaders in other sectors – swoop in with bigger salaries, more benefits or even just lofty promises of fancy on-site dining.

Additionally, a talent shortage often means existing talent is stretched too thin, which curbs creativity and innovation. TechGenies’ unique model enables us to beat the talent shortage and accelerate innovation – for fledgling businesses and established corporations alike in a scalable, intentional way that won’t require you to hire a chef – unless you want to.

Nearshore vs. Offshore Outsourcing: Going Global to Beat the Talent Shortage

Some companies are snatching up top talent through higher salaries. In fact, 78% of staffing professionals in a recent Bullhorn survey agreed salaries will need to go up if an organization wants to remain competitive for top talent.

While long-standing companies or fledglings backed by massive investments may be able to increase their payroll without batting an eye, for many organizations paying above premium salaries is an impossible ask.

But with TechGenies, companies don’t have to compromise on quality – even if they can’t pay a sky-high price for their IT talent. We address this in several ways:

  1. As a global IT staff augmentation company, we are able to recruit in multiple countries – many of which have much richer IT talent than the U.S., enabling us to be choosy about who we hire.
  2. Drawing from a wealth of IT talent also enables us to hire Genies who are already experienced, which provides a well of experience to draw from deeper than many who are rushing to become an IT professional in shallower IT talent pools.
  3. A dispersed team allows organizations to pay competitive market rates, many of which are much lower than in the U.S., ultimately lowering payroll costs.
  4. Flexible services enable businesses to design the right fit with TechGenies – whether that is a blend of nearshore and offshore talent or just one option, businesses can span cultures and time zones as much or as a little as they want.

IT Outsourcing Solutions that Last

In an IT talent desert, releasing resources when they aren’t needed can appear to be very poor resource management. But most businesses also don’t like to keep staff on the payroll if they aren’t necessary to the bottom line.

TechGenies’ flexible staffing models allow businesses to scale up and scale down based on demand. For example, as a business moves through the full cycle of software development, they may need to pull in and move out various resources: a project manager adept at IT project management may be staffed throughout the transformation, while software quality assurance only steps in after the software is developed. More resources may be needed during a sprint focused on incorporating artificial intelligence; fewer in the project maintenance phase.

And unlike an organization laying off staff as the project ebbs and flows, this scaling is baked into our model, and morale and retention don’t take a hit like they could under a traditional model. Want proof? Our current retention rate is 92%.

Innovation in software engineering can be better with happy, experienced staff, who aren’t launching their first IT transformation, wondering about agile vs. waterfall project management. They’ve already been there and can build on that foundation.

Beat the high rate of talent exiting even the best organizations with our premium talent. Contact us today to kick off the process to add top IT talent to your organization by contacting us at
